Bedwetting At Age 4-7
As your child gets older, they can get more anxious about bedwetting and worry that something is wrong with them so it’s important you support your child and ensure they know they’re not alone.
Enuresis Treatment
Parents will go to great lengths to ensure that their child is having the best childhood possible — and that includes finding ways to make bedwetting stop as early as possible.
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Pyjama Pants for Boys

Pyjama Pants for Boys
DryNites® is designed for children who suffer from enuresis (involuntary urination) to protect the child's clothing and bedding. DryNites® pajama pants are like underwear and can be worn discreetly under pajamas or nightwear. The product is in direct contact with the user's skin, is intended for single use and will normally only be used at night.
Pyjama Pants for Girls

Pyjama Pants for Girls
DryNites® is designed for children who suffer from enuresis (involuntary urination) to protect the child's clothes and bedding. DryNites® pajama pants are like underwear and can be worn discreetly under pajamas or nightwear. The product is in direct contact with the user's skin, is intended for single use and will normally only be used at night.